Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Camera, no new pictures

We finally broke down and got a new camera, the old one died a week ago.  I did take pictures, but they were all too unfocused – darn camera – so nothing new to post.

The upstairs wood floor was sealed over the weekend.  I was at the house today, Sunday, and there was absolutely no smell.  Amazing!!!  The down time did force our builder to take a day off – the first one in 29 days!  He’s working so hard to get us back in the house!

I moved the fiber processing equipment out of the barn to the covered porch of the rental because I’m so far behind making product for this year.  And now Tim and the kids are getting into the act (check out  As soon as the work space is ready at the house everything, EVERYTHING, is moving! 

As it stands now we’re hoping to move back the first week of March.  The kitchen appliances will be delivered 3/4 and the kitchen cabinets should be available after 3/15.  We’re waiting for a quote from a local cabinet maker for the upstairs bathroom vanity.  If we don’t get anything by tomorrow, Monday, we’re going to go out and order them from someone else.

We got our first bank distribution and already did the halfway inspection the bank requires for the second distribution.  I think I’ll be scheduling the first county inspection this week – and we’re just rolling along!

And now back to listening to Roman have a cow that the Saints are winning the Superbowl and Edyk making a big deal because the Saints are his team – for now.  Plus I get to go munch on sweet potato chips and sour cream (I had this in New Zealand years ago and it’s wonderful!).

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