Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We're Home!!!

We moved home on the 17th!  It would have been the 16th, but Edyk had a band concert.  There was one working toilet, one shower and that was it and I was in heaven!  The boys had their beds set up in our closet because their bedroom wasn't ready.  I think they really liked the idea of sleeping in the closet for some strange reason and were bummed when the carpets were laid down.  They now have their own bathroom and as of today, Tuesday the 23rd, everything works!

Tomorrow we're out of the house 'til Thursday because the second coat is going down on the downstairs wood floor.  Once that's done I'll take pics and possibly a short movie to show all the work and changes that are in place.

Jim, the bird, is at our neighbor's.  The girls will be at the groomers and Rorik is at "Aunt" Ginger's.  We'll be at another neighbor's apartment until Thursday and then it'll be the detail work.

I can't wait!

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