Monday, April 19, 2010

We've been home a few weeks now

No pictures today - I know, boring.  We moved home a few weeks ago and it's been wonderful.  There are still a few things that need to be done but the guys are on it and we know it'll be done soon.  It's been amazing cooking in my house again using gas.  I haven't used gas for cooking in almost 15 years.  A few days after we moved in we decided to make Boboli pizzas - we all had our favorite toppings and made our own pizzas.  And they all got cooked at the same time because we now have two ovens!  The microwave can even function as an oven - I used it the next day to crisp up the left over pizza and it was great.

The changes we made in the floor plan and the bathrooms have worked out better than we could hope.  It's hard to know exactly what things look like because there are boxes everywhere, but as far as we've gotten it's wonderful.  We've also been ruthless about selling/donating/tossing stuff.  The back of the van was filled with stuff for Value Village after the first 20 boxes were opened.  We've got another load as well as items for sale on craigslist.  I also finally burned/shredded my tax returns from the 80s and 90s!  Now the question is, what are we going to put in all the file cabinets we have?

So in addition to unpacking and moving stuff around we're moving into shearing season for the alpacas and llamas (that starts this coming Saturday) and the start of Farmers Market season (May 1st is opening day) and we're trying to get into some art shows this year.  I've got a bunch of fiber leftover from last year, taking a few months off from the fiber work can do that, plus what we're going to get this year so it's going to be very busy around here for a while.

I'll get pics posted soon -

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