Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The fun and hi-jinks continue!

As of last night this is what our front yard looks like - six bales worth of hay spread everywhere there might be foot traffic - heavy or otherwise. At this point in the work I didn't really care about the dirt being tracked in, but it was pointed out that sooner, rather than later, I will. So getting the hay down now will minimize the dirt tracked into the house AND the damage to the front yard. So yesterday I brought in six bales of hay that my sons gleefully spread around the ground and each other! The color really comes out because we actually have sunshine and warmer temps today!

My work room is really taking shape. The crew removed all the extra bits of plywood and scraps and uncovered this beautiful floor. I would love to keep it as it is, but since my felting work tends to include water, and lots of it, I think I'm going to go with some sort of vinyl floor covering. Sigh ... But that doesn't change the fact that I'm excited about having my own space for my alpaca fiber and work. I just hope there's room for the shelves of fiber, tables for project layout, my carding machine, picker and felting machine. And the sink - phew! So much stuff and potentially so little space.

The original claw foot tub from the usptairs bath. You can make out the soot stain from the fire. The plan is to refinish this in white and ditch the chrome fittings. We've decided to use brushed nickle fittings and tile with an underfloor heating system. My only compaint about tile is how cold it can be, but with the heating system underneath - that sounds wonderful!

This frame is the beginning of the toilet "throne" or platform that my husband has asked anyone who has ever done remodelling work on our house to build. It isn't impressive right now, but with the area tiled, the toilet in place - I think Tim will finally be happy. I know the crew was excited when they figured out how to do it and we're all trying to keep it a surprise - I'm betting that he doesn't read this blog, hence the post.
On to more mundane matters - the hearth and pellet stove are coming out this week! The wood floor that's salvaged from the bathroom will be used to fill in the hole left by the hearth. The stove was originally downstairs and fairly useless. Since moving upstairs I think we've moved it twice since '98. We decided it made more noise than heat and never bothered with it.
The screen marks the corner of the bedroom/sitting room where the electric heater will be going. Since we don't heat the bedroom it didn't make sense to run propane up for a propane stove/fireplace. So we'll be looking for something this weekend for that corner.
The goal is to have the upstairs ready for move-in by mid-February in case we lose the rental. and at the rate the crew is moving that should be a relatively easy target to meet - mainly because they're working six to seven days a week on this job!

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