Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kitchen Cabinets and counters

That's Tony waving and Kaiser staring at him. Two of the gentlemen working to get us back in our house as quickly as possible. Tony is standing in what used to be an unused storage room and will become our new kitchen pantry. Kaiser is standing where the dishwasher will be and the frig will be to the left of the pantry opening.

To say we're excited is an understatement!

To add to the good news of the day - we found the cabinets we want. We went up to Canyon Creek after Tim got back from his business trip and were quickly overwhelmed with all the choices. As we walked through the showroom we saw bits and pieces, but nothing that really jumped out at us - until we got to Display #13. this is Rustic Hickory with a toffee glaze - I think. It might also have been a matte glaze and chocolate stain. Fortunately I have my notes and these pictures. When Kaiser gets us the measurements we'll hotfoot it back up to Canyon Creek and get an estimate on cost and shipping.

We also found these two counters, granite, that I really liked. I'm not thrilled with granite because it isn't overly scratch resistant, but I'm hoping we can at least recover the colors with whatever counter material we go with - if we don't go with granite. The one in back has alot of black in it and reminds me of zebra or tiger stripes. The one in front is lighter with a lot more brown and gold in it. Both will look great with the new floor and the cabinets.
Finally we come to an example of the potential window seat. We have a two story bay window in the front of the house. We had to remove the cedar in front of the window due to damage and rot (and we didn't want 2010 to start with a tree coming down on the house and finishing the job the fire started). This has left the front yard wide open and the bay window completely open to the light. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of a window seat, mainly because there's no back to them except the window, but even with the house the way it is I can definitely visualize the window seat now. This is the same wood in the kitchen picture, but I didn't use a flash - hence the yellow tinge.
Our contractor has asked me if I'm happy, excited, relieved that the work has started and in the beginning I was being very cautious due to the false starts we've had in the last two-plus months. Now, however, with so much work having been done in the last few days I'm excited beyond belief. I think I'm finally seeing a day in the very near future when we'll finally be back in our home.

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